2014년 10월 3일 금요일

Soccer Spirits Tip : What is good card? (Assistor)

 Assistor is secondary important factor of Shooting damage. If you get a main shooter, Assistor would be your next target. I will introduce main assistors each attribute. I think Every 5star assistor will be 7star for balancing. So don't blame your assistor, they would be better (but not sure)

P.S These ratings are just my opinion. Do not depend on this too much.



She is the one top assistor in this game and only 7star assistor. She called Nari God in korea. There is no comparison target. What ever your Attribute, Nari is the best choice.

Rating  :  6 / 5



She is the main assistor of Whirlwind. She is good assistor to Whirlwind deck. but It's only flaw that active pass effect is recovering spirit. If you use 2spirit Striker. She can be a nice choice.

Rating  :  4.5 / 5



She has penetration power on her active pass, the most hot stat. but passive is too fucus on utility, also too low pass stat.

Rating  :  4 / 5



 Don't worry she wear some kind of a piece of cloth. She is amazing good assistor! but in midfield, not for support Striker. She can recover massive spirit and actionbar for her position and heal herself. If you use her in CAM, you would love her. And she have unique Ace skill. It's really useful effect. Only flaw is she can make you embarrased when you play this game outside.

Rating  :  4 / 5 for Foward line
                5 / 5 for MidField



  He is legend card of Dark. He is not 7star card. but I'm 100% sure he's gonna be 7star. He is good assistor even now, and he's gonna be better or best.

Rating  :  5 / 5
                7 / 5 (with enough strikers critical rate)

댓글 28개:

  1. thank you for all the useful information!

  2. I rolled bell on the scouts tab but i don't have enough Battle Points. So, i need the time to save up enough BP. Will the scout reset automatically?

    1. Scout is reset on sunday. I hope you scout bell.

  3. Dam, i don't have enough BP and i'm going to have to miss Bell. Do legendaries come by very often?

  4. 답글
    1. Sell all useless 3 or 4star card. and If you have crystal, you should draw and sell them again. (except 5star)

    2. And play story mode that reward is manager. and sell them too.

  5. I don't think i have enough to sell. I wanted to buy the beginner's package for 600 BP. However, my credit card is banned. Thanks for the quick response anyway!

  6. Oh yea, i have 1 more question. How many draws are needed to fill up the Mileage ticket? And are the draws from the Mileage tickets good?

    1. You need 40 drawing for mileage. 11*3 + 7 is most effective. Mileage drawing draw 5star card 100%.

  7. Hello and sorry for bothering, but i have 2 questions.

    1. If i have 4* full power up and evo card, and i use 3* Neris on it, what grade random card will i get, new 4* or 5* (because evo'd 4* is actually became 5* i wondering what will you get).

    2. Is it worth to put team heal (2 spirit) and long pass (2 spirit) on same defence (goalkeeper) line. If not, what should i keep? What skill AutoAI (in PVP) will use first when acquire 2 spirits, team heal or long pass?

    Thanks in advance.

    1. 1. 3* Neris is just material of 5*Neris. You have to use 5* Neris for trade, and You'll get natural born ramdom 5*(100%)

      2. long pass and heal are good skill. both are make chance for turn around flow of game. if you don't have storong defence line. long passer and healer is good choice. but if you have storong defence line, longpasser would gonna be weakness of your defence line(Long passer have too low defence and HP, and 2spirit is too much). but one healer is essential. My answer is keep both until make strong defence line. or just keep healer.

      I'm not sure for AI. but i guess If you have enough Spirit and Team member's Hps are low, Heal is gonna be primary target. If long passer has a ball and enough spirits and then enemy front of longpasser has many HP , then longpasser try too longpass.

  8. Your guides are great! Would be great if you made one for attackers too!

  9. Hello, i have one newbie question to ask. The pass effect is only based on the pass stat? Will the other stats affect it, like crit, atk power, etc?

  10. Thanks for writing all these articles!
    Will you be releasing defender/goal keeper/leader anytime soon?
    Can you give me some input about Bell (Leader) since I just attained her!

    1. I'm glad to help. and congratulation, bell is one of the best card in this game.

  11. Jihooon can you also make a list for ranking the defenders? and preferably another list for the bottom left position of the defense line (the line with the goal keeper)? your guide is fascinating and entertaining at the same time, full respect from me :)

    1. Thanks for your support :D. I'll blog defenders as soon as i can.

  12. What do you think about the new Niarose?
    Also, great guide and thanks for taking your time to make it.

    1. Sorry, I don't know about Niarose well but, I think forward pass is very valuable skill.

  13. which assist do you think would best suit a whirlwind deck with beatrice as main striker? Nari, neraizel or baltheon? I have white tiger atm and I do wish to replace her with a better one. It Is also baltheon scout week. Thank you!
