1. Keeper's active renewal
Target : Keeper who has steal active skill1) Active guard
Active guard can be actived by momentary touch keeper when enemy striker use active shoot.
2) Force shield?
You can use sheld in keepers turn. It's really effective but sustainment time is short. so timing is important.
3) long pass
It's same with existing longpass. but cost 1spirits.
4) Active buff
2. Nerfing penetration stat.
It's will be nerf little.
3. Nerfing Coexistence
It's will be nerf little.And
Some keeper's gonna get buff
Colosseum renewal
Do you thinkk 7* Hiro or 7* Uriel is better?
답글삭제I'm not sure. but I think next update plan make uriel to better stirker. Goalkeeper's are gonnabe harder to kill in few shoots. so shooting chance gonna be more important. I know Uriel's get nerf. but determination gonna be more useful since next goalkeeper update. so i think Uriel is better for mono light deck.
삭제What is determination?
답글삭제Uriel's 3rd passive skill
삭제Hi, how will you rate the new thunder 7* Guinevere?
답글삭제I think 6 ~ 7.
삭제Hi can we save the badge we get from beating alkyde minion for next season? Or it will ne reset after this?
답글삭제Sorry,it's new contents so I don't know that ;(
삭제Does 6* neris work on korean server? I tried to use on my 6* max level card but nothing happened. Only lost my neris.
답글삭제6* Neris for light extreme evolve only.
삭제Neris 6* says "trades a max level 6* for a new random 5*". Does this not work? Only used for evolving to light to 7*?
삭제jihoon, can you estimate when will the next big update plan occur? a month or two?
답글삭제I don't know sorry...
삭제With the update,who do you think is the top 3 strikers and do you still think that Beatrice is still the best striker?
답글삭제I think so, but Guinevere makes amazing foward line with their strikers. so we need to watching.
삭제Hi, what made you rate MX27 Leventor 5/5 after the patch? And do you think he is better than blade as a striker now?
답글삭제No where near blade TBH. Maybe 4.5/5
삭제blade is better for now but he is worth for rating 5. I should raise blade rating.
삭제jihoon rated him 5/5 so i just wanted to know the reason for that
답글삭제Penentrate stat is most powerful stat. and Thunder spirit stone is amazing. actually Guinevere upgrades thunder forward. so thunder striker are more powerful than other strikers even Griffith (except Beatrice)
삭제For now well trained keeper are few. so penetrate stat looks like not important. but penetrate stat is really important
삭제Are you talking about guinevere's ace skill or her passive skill that improves the thunder forward?
삭제Can you do an article about hybrid vs mono and comparisons between the different mono elemental decks.
답글삭제There is no inforamtion hybrid for now. so maybe next time.
삭제Do the top players use a hybrid or mono deck?
답글삭제Top players use mono now. but many top players start to use hybrid since hybrid ace skill appear
삭제So what do you think of the new 7* Ravian? Personally I think Lucid is still the better Dark striker, but interested in knowing your opinion.
답글삭제I agree with you Lucid is better. but I think Ravian has strategic value by way of using.
삭제I have a thunder mono team, having blade leventor and luka, and have a griffith extra. Should I keep replace it or use it on my mid line.
답글삭제I have blade, leventor and luka on the front line.*